BBC World Questions: Europe And Greece

As Europe grapples with some of the biggest issues it has ever faced, nowhere has felt the challenge of mass migration and the pain of austerity more keenly than Greece.

In this edition of BBC World Questions Jonathan Dimbleby will invite members of the public in Athens to put questions about their country and the future of Europe to a panel of politicians and thinkers, including Euclid Tsakalotos, the Finance Minister of Greece and Dora Bakoyannis, former Mayor of Athens and Foreign Secretary.

On Tuesday 23 February at Megaron, the Athens Concert Hall, BBC World Questions: Europe and Greece will ask if Greece can remain a member of the EU and whether the European Project itself is about to collapse or will successfully meet the challenges of today.

Mary Hockaday, Controller of BBC World Service English says: “The BBC World Service is the home of international debate and we are bringing World Questions to Greece where Europe’s financial and immigration crises have both had a huge impact. I’m sure our audiences in Europe and around the world will want to hear what the public in Athens have to say about the problems they face and what solutions the distinguished panel have to offer.”

Ioannis Manos, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Megaron, The Athens Concert Hall, says: “Megaron, one of the most prestigious cultural centres of Greece for Arts and Education, welcomes BBC World Service as a partner to our Megaron Plus programme for the latest edition of World Questions. Megaron Plus has continuously been introducing to the Athenian public contemporary philosophers, politicians, artists and writers of great significance. It is our particular pleasure that this partnership will give a chance to the Athenian audience through their questions during the programme, to reach the vast audience of BBC World Service.”

World Questions is an English language event. It will be recorded for radio broadcast to the BBC World Service’s audience around the world.
